Let There Be Light: Single Father Gets Help with Utilities and Jesus!

Dec 1, 2023

Month after month, George, a single father of two teenagers, had been making the tough choice of putting food on the table for his girls, or paying bills. He had been looking for sustainable employment for several months and his delinquent utility bill grew to over $4000.

George had made a $2,000 payment and applied for LEAP – but was getting nowhere on his own and his utilities were shut off. In desperation, he reached out to The Salvation Army for help. A volunteer receptionist received his frantic call late one afternoon and told him to get to The Salvation Army quickly so he could sign an affidavit for The Salvation Army to appeal to Colorado Springs Utilities on his behalf.

He got here at 4:45pm, CSU closes at 5pm. Our Family Services Coordinator, Alma, quickly contacted CSU to discuss George’s circumstances, and they promptly issued a reconnect order. George sat there and cried and kept saying thank you. Alma told him he needed to tell Jesus thank you and get to know Him.

With tears in his eyes George said, “Yes, I do.”

Alma met with him again after the LEAP money was paid to make sure George was stable, paying his utilities and making progress on a budget. George had started a new job – and started going to church.  That’s what makes The Salvation Army different – we Love Beyond a person’s desperate circumstance AND point them to Jesus.

When asked about George, Alma said, “People will know us by our work. We do this unto the Lord. Hallelujah!”

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