Finding Home - Amelia's Story

Apr 16, 2024 | by Hannah Harris

Growing up in a military family, Amelia always knew she would follow in her family’s footsteps. “I have 12 siblings and most everyone joined the military, including my parents. I wanted to prove to myself and my family that I could join and succeed as well.” And that is exactly what she did. Amelia joined the military just three months after high school graduation. Small and petite, she found her role serving as a cook.

Amelia's military service was a rewarding and challenging experience she doesn’t regret. “I had to leave because I physically could do it anymore… my body wasn’t holding up for it," Amelia said. At 20 years old, she was on her own for the first time ever. “After I got out, I was just trying to figure out what I was going to do. I got married and I tried to find work. I was living in Texas and knew it wasn’t for me. For some reason, Colorado spoke to me. So, Colorado it was."

Amelia and her husband, moved to Colorado and lived with her sister-in law for about a month. "We knew we were overstaying our welcome and had to figure things out quickly.” Amelia reached out for help. 

The VA directed Amelia and her husband to The Salvation Army Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program where they found refuge. “I worked with the SSVF case managers. They were amazing and helped us find a house very quickly. I can’t praise them enough. They really put their foot down in helping us find housing. Not to mention, being patient and replying to us quickly. If I had a question, they were on it… it was so relieving during that stressful time,” she said gratefully.

With the help of The Salvation Army, Amelia and her husband found a place to call home. SSVF not only found them a suitable home to live in, but helped with the security deposit, first month's rent, and utilities.

"I am so happy. I'm currently pursuing my associate in business and a BS in entrepreneurship. It’s my dream to own my own business. If it weren’t for The Salvation Army, I wouldn’t have gotten this far, and I wouldn't have this dream!”

Has The Salvation Army Impacted you in a positive way? Do you have a story to tell? Reach out to Hannah at to get your story told.

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